Friday, January 22, 2010

18 Months 18 Words?

Alec just had his 18 month well baby. He is doing great still tall (75%) and skinny (25%). The good news is his head hasn't grown and he is back in the middle of the chart.

One of the questions Dr. Rosie asked was if he knew 10 words. My immediate response was yes, of course. So here is a little exercise to see how many words he knows:

Mommy, Daddy, sleepy*, book*, eat*, water*, juice, shoes, socks, ear, nose, mouth, tonge, eyes, head, hair, bubbles, bath, monkey (his monkey blanket), horsey, broccoli, hot dog (note he no longer eats either), pizza, Nana, Papa, Grandma, Burke (pronounced book), Woody, Lyla (pronounced yaya), milk*, cook, no, thank you*, car, hi, buh-bye, truck, ball, George (Curios George), doggie, woof (does this count as a word along with Moo and Oink), all done/gone* , uh-oh (my favorite)

*He also knows the sign language for it.

By gosh he knows 40+ words! I'm such a proud Mommy!

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

More Christmas Pics

So I'm not fully a month behind, but here are some more pictures from Christmas with the rest of our family. We had so much fun!