Monday, March 30, 2009

Our Weekend... the trouble begins

We had such a wonderful weekend, so much fun. We got pictures taken on Saturday and unfortunately Mr. Man was not his normal cheerful self, so no great big smiles but he was still cute. On Sunday we visited Aunt Jamie, Jason, Jalen and Jackson. We had so much fun and it was too cute watching Jalen and Alec play or try to play together. But I think that visit started something new, he decided he wanted to explore. It was the most he has ever crawled, checking out everything in their house. When he got home, he realized he could do the same thing and oh did he. He figured out how to get up the one step that divides our house and got into everything that he shouldn't have. We are officially in TROUBLE.

1 comment:

britty said...

wait till he starts walking, then is worse cause he'll learn how to run shortly there after and learn about gravity too. lol thats when you got to put everyrthing brake-able higher up. cause if you dont want them to get it, chances are they will anyway. love you