Monday, August 11, 2008

Happy 1 Month Birthday

We had sooo much fun at Beaumont Hospital when Alec was born that we decided to visit on his one month birthday... for mommy, not Alec.  Unfortunately, a few of my stitches didn't dissolve completely and my incision is infected, not very fun.  Of course I have it all documented on camera.  They were very nice and got us in and out within  3 hours and gave us a private little room so Alec wouldn't be exposed to the nasty germs of the world, we also had three layers protecting him from the outside air.  Poor daddy doesn't know what to do with me, but his love and help with Alec are getting us through.
Here is a picture of Alec in a shirt Nana got him to document, through pictures, his growth for his first year.  It is a 12 month shirt and Alec was not too happy about the picture.  Alec loves you Nana and can't wait to be spoiled by you.

1 comment:

Jamie and Jason said...

Oh man! Sorry to hear you're still not up to par... please call if there's anything we can do to help!

We're only a call away!

Lots of love!