Monday, September 8, 2008

Big Weekend for a Good Boy

So we have discovered that Alec loves being outdoors.  On Friday we went to the park with Aunt Pauline and the boys.  Lots of running and lots of fun.  Saturday we went to the doggie park with Jason LeBeau, to let Woody and Hazel run free.  They were unusually good.  Then Alec went to his first party.  He slept through the loud music and crazy people, Jon and I were super protective of him.  Even though he was asleep he was the hit of the party. Sunday we saw Daddy rocking out at church, Alec didn't care too much for the drums but still managed to sleep through Mute Math and the Killers.  He of course sported his "Daddy Rocks" shirt.  He then got his fill of football (Lions lost) with Daddy while I cleaned.

He has been such a good boy this weekend.  The poor thing has had awful gas, he really doesn't cry but he has a hard time sleeping.  Jon and I are amazed at the length and volume of farts coming out of him, in this regards he sounds like a big boy.  Last night at 4:30 am he was wide awake with gas.  He just would not drift off to sleep for me.  Finally, I was so tired I just put him in his car seat a.k.a. bed and he fell asleep on his own and didn't wake up until 8 am.  I was amazed, he doesn't normally sleep that long on a good day.  Well we are off to the grocery store we are having Grandma and Grandpa over for dinner!

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