Monday, January 19, 2009

The saddest part of being a working Mom

So I think thus far I have handled myself pretty well upon my return to work, I haven't cried to often or too hard. It is extremely hard maintaining the work/life balance but somehow I have made it through the weeks and even a business trip. I have a healthy beautiful baby boy who at the end of the day smiles and gives me a kiss. (Yes, it is his newest thing he almost violently grabs my face and hair and pulls my face to his so he can give me an open mouth slobbery kiss. I don't know if that is what he thinks it is, but that is what it is to me and I love it!)

So I discovered this weekend the saddest part about working, I don't see him get up in the morning. I leave to early, so Jonny wakes him up and takes him to Aunt Pauline's for the day. Saturday and Sunday I absolutely cherished (and cried) when he woke up. He wakes up so happy, with a fresh new day in front of him he smiles, talks, laughs, and plays with you. It nearly broke my heart this weekend. But at the end of the day I know that we are blessed to have healthy family, wonderful careers and a home that we don't worry about paying for. So I guess for the moment I will take my one or two tears and attempt to burn the image of his smiley face into my memory until next weekend.

Stay tuned Alec has his 6 month check up today!

1 comment:

Julie said...

OMG, Sophie gives me the same wet, sloppy kisses. Like you, I doubt she knows it's a kiss...I'm sure she just wants to put my chin in her I like to think she's showing her affection with a kiss.

Glad to see y'all are doing well!